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Fifth Grade Curriculum

Students were given the task of creating an Internet Scavenger Hunt based on their science or social studies curriculum.  There were two stages to the project.  First they had to create 20 questions about their topic.  Questions were based off of Blooms Taxonomy.  The maority of the questions were knowlege questions but the students had to include questions from every category up through synthesis and evaluation.  The first part of the assignment was to email me their questions and answers in either a MS Word or Google Docs document.  Then they created a Google or Weebly website with their scavenger hunt with links to websites that had the answers to their questions.  Below are links to some of the websites the students created.  Some students included the type of Bloom's Taxonomy question each one is.


Natural Disaster Scavenger Hunt


Winter Natural Disaster Scavenger Hunt


Brazil Scavenger Hunt

More Natural Disasters


Natural Disasters






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